Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy birthday, mommy!

Today is my mommy's birthday! she is 40 today. For breakfast, we got her a cheese cake. My dad got her a Mac Book for her birthday! Our cats got her two poop bags. Happy birthday, Mommy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Popcorn Story Valentines Day Edition

Popcorn story: The pretty kitty

The pretty kitty

There was once a very pretty kitty named Mewsette. She was very nice,
and I think she liked me! Anyways, she gave me a valentine to come meet her at her at sushi place, and when I got there, Rascal was there instead... he was putting on makeup, and didn't notice me come up to the table. I said, "Rascal, where is Mewsette?" Then it all made sense! Rascal was Mewsette! Ugggh, I can't believe he'd play such a mean trick! Wait till I get him back...

Stay tuned for the next story, Popcorn's Revenge.

Monday, February 3, 2014

How to: be annoying

Here's something I'm good at doing

Annoy your sibling:  
1. Speak only one language
2. Make up a nick name for them; for example, I could call my sister annoying-way, witch means annoying in Pig-Latin.  
3. At night, carefully sew your sibling pj's to their mattresses
4. If they yell "Shoe" as to mean go away, bring them a shoe.
5. Only say one word; for example, say only "Yeah" so when they ask you is all you say yeah? you can say, "yeah."
6. Put a walkie-talkie under their pillow, then grab another walkie-talkie, and yell, "BOO!" into your walkie talkie. (Too much using the word walkie-talkie)
7. Stare really hard at the back of their neck. 

Annoy your friends:
1. Constantly put bunny ears on them.
2. Jump out from bushes, trees, or anything else and yell,"BOO!"
3. Hide in a tree, and then when they walk under neath your tree, drop things on them.
4. Put a penny on the ground. wait till your friend picks it up, then rip a piece of paper.
5. Put a wet sponge in your hands. Then shake your friends hand.
6. At a sleepover, put water on your your friend's pants just before she wakes up.
7. Talk only about yourself.