Tuesday, June 17, 2014


MAYBE I WILL BLOG ABOUT...ABOUT... OH I DON'T KNOW! ANY IDEAS? ANYONE? ANYONE?! well that's my blog post for today. please comment in the comment box.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cuddles: I love the bathroom!

Cuddles loves the bathroom. He loves it so much, he will sit on you. In the bathroom. No privacy at at all! He will open the door, go in the bathroom, jump on your lap, (when you're on the toilet!) and sit. And then when you're done, he will get off. 

Bathroom cat! Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, Bathroom cat! Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, Eh! Bathroom kitty! Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, Bathroom cat! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

My favorite TV shows

Star Blazers
Old anime TV show. Not HD, but very good.

I Didn't Do It   
Starring Olivia Holt!*

Dog With A Blog
Very funny in my opinion. I do wish it was a cat though.

Liv and Maddie
They are identical twins. Dove Cameron plays both of them!*

*You need a special app for Liv and Maddie and I Didn't Do it. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


We got home from Iceland a few days ago. It was really fun. I went horse back riding in the mountains! After that, we did the blue lagoon. It was this blue. Amazing! The next day we went to The Golden Circle, Geysir, and The Golden Waterfalls. (A lot of golden stuff). On the last day, my parents were already talking about coming back. The day we arrived, we did a food tour. Our tour guide was nice, but there was not that much food. =(

I loved Iceland! Its one of my top places to go.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cat contest: my cats

Cuddles aka Basket Cat

Meow! I love baskets!





Popcorn aka Sleeping Bag Cat


So warm...




And Rascal aka Feed Me Cat




Vote on your favorite cat pic in the comment box!

Contest ends on June 1st, just so you know. So vote for your favorite kitty now!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Annoy Your Parents

My mom asked for a list of this. I don't recommend trying them, though.

1. Don't do your work.
2. Play on your iPad/iDevice/phone to much
3. Annoy your sibling. Somehow, this annoys them.
4. Be to loud at a sleepover
5. Stay in the bathroom too long.
6. Play video games to much. (Such as bread kittens).
7. Photo bomb. Also make funny faces at the camera.
8. Give the silent treatment
9. Interrupt their sentences.
10. Act all sad and angry. At first they will be worried, then annoyed.

As a result of doing these things, I have gotten my headphones taken away, my iPad taken away, my Minecraft privileges taken away, so if you like your stuff, DON'T DO THESE THINGS. At least not 1 or 2. 

Popcorn's Birthday!

Popcorn's Birthday was on April 10th. I know it's a little late to be posting about this. Anyway, Popcorn got lots of treats for his birthday, more wet food than usual. (Sorry, Rascal and Cuddles). Popcorn is now a year old. My little kitten is growing up so fast! (Did I sound a little to much like a mom? Whoops).
Even though it's a little to late...

Happy Birthday, Popcorn! Love, Kathy.

Kings Dominion

Tomorrow I'm going to Kings Dominion!!! I can't wait. I <3 the roller coasters there, even though I'm too small to do some. They have awesome water rides there too! And, the best part is, I'm going with my BFF, Maria! Yay! Like I said, I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bread Kittens, the most awesome game of all time (except for minecraft.)

I <3 bread kittens!!!! Its so fun!!!! You bake bread and put it on their kittens heads! You can fight other cats to bread them, and level them up to defeat bosses! This game has so many breads (sorry, I mean breeds) of cats with nice animation. It's super fun, and anyone who downloads it will be sucked in! As you get further into the game, cats become harder to defeat. It has many places to fight and bread other cats, like Peris, Mer Delta, Sunset Shores, Cane Island,  Amber field, and Timber forest to name some. You can also buy cats from the adoption center with meowbux. My favorite breeds so far are Himalayan, Turkish Angora, Bobtail, and Mythicat. (Mythicat is made up). You can also buy different kinds of bread with flour or meowbux. Breads include Pizza, Toaster Pastry, Onion Bun, and stuff like that. Different breads do different things. They can boast your HP, make your crit chance better, do more damage to your enemy cat, etc.

Bread Kittens glossary

Bosses: Cats in the last level of a area. Are the hardest cats to defeat. Some can shoot bread at you.
Meowbux:  In-game money to buy stuff like cats, bread recipes, cat chow, flour, and other things.

Mythicat:  Supposedly the strongest, fastest, most powerful cat in the game. Hard to defeat.

HP: health points

Crit Chance: I don't know what this means. Probably makes your chance of breading a cat better.

Cat Chow: Food for your cats. Can heal cats in and out of battle.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Texting abbreviations

The wonderful world of text =)

text= txt
laugh out loud= lol
you= u
why= y
because= cuz
though= thou
your= ur
see= c
see you soon= sys
brb= be right back
gtg= got to go
g2g got to go 2
omg= omigosh
ttyl= talk to you later
are= r

bonus! texting symbols  

=) happy face
=( sad face
=0 surprised face
<3 heart
</3 broken heart
=P face with tongue out
=D super happy face
XD dying laughter face
=| bored face
=\ slanted smile face
=o surprised face 2
=L tongue face 2
XP dead face
XQ dead face 2
=> happy face 2
=< sad face 2
;) winking face

hope u like this! Kathy

Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy birthday, mommy!

Today is my mommy's birthday! she is 40 today. For breakfast, we got her a cheese cake. My dad got her a Mac Book for her birthday! Our cats got her two poop bags. Happy birthday, Mommy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Popcorn Story Valentines Day Edition

Popcorn story: The pretty kitty

The pretty kitty

There was once a very pretty kitty named Mewsette. She was very nice,
and I think she liked me! Anyways, she gave me a valentine to come meet her at her at sushi place, and when I got there, Rascal was there instead... he was putting on makeup, and didn't notice me come up to the table. I said, "Rascal, where is Mewsette?" Then it all made sense! Rascal was Mewsette! Ugggh, I can't believe he'd play such a mean trick! Wait till I get him back...

Stay tuned for the next story, Popcorn's Revenge.

Monday, February 3, 2014

How to: be annoying

Here's something I'm good at doing

Annoy your sibling:  
1. Speak only one language
2. Make up a nick name for them; for example, I could call my sister annoying-way, witch means annoying in Pig-Latin.  
3. At night, carefully sew your sibling pj's to their mattresses
4. If they yell "Shoe" as to mean go away, bring them a shoe.
5. Only say one word; for example, say only "Yeah" so when they ask you is all you say yeah? you can say, "yeah."
6. Put a walkie-talkie under their pillow, then grab another walkie-talkie, and yell, "BOO!" into your walkie talkie. (Too much using the word walkie-talkie)
7. Stare really hard at the back of their neck. 

Annoy your friends:
1. Constantly put bunny ears on them.
2. Jump out from bushes, trees, or anything else and yell,"BOO!"
3. Hide in a tree, and then when they walk under neath your tree, drop things on them.
4. Put a penny on the ground. wait till your friend picks it up, then rip a piece of paper.
5. Put a wet sponge in your hands. Then shake your friends hand.
6. At a sleepover, put water on your your friend's pants just before she wakes up.
7. Talk only about yourself.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Hi here is another quiz, (I'm sort of obsessed with them right now.)

Ok, here's the quiz: Are you a cat person or a dog person?

For your birthday, the thing you want most is...
a. a kitten
b. a puppy
c. none of the above

Your BFF tells you she's moving away. what do you do
a. stay calm, and say, "I'll REALLY miss you."
b. Stay loyal and say, "I'll visit you a lot. " and plan to call her everyday.
c. none of the above

Some one tells you that cats are terrible animals...
a. Say, "What makes you think that?"
b. Say, "I agree!!"
c. none of the above.

Your dog poops inside the house...
a. Say, "eeewwwwwww..."
b. Tell your mom. Geez, that smells!
c. none of the above.

Kitty just had a hairball all over the brand new rug...
a. Clean it up...you can't really see the spot...
b. Say, "gross!"
c. none of the above.

Mostly  a's Cat person. You love cats! I do too...
Mostly b's Dog person. Get off this blog.
Mostly c's Cat and dog person. You like them both.

Quiz answers

Hi, sorry my quiz was not that hard. Here are the answers: 1:B 2:B 3:B 4:B 5:B

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cat Quiz #2

Quiz 1: How much do you know about cats?

All kittens are born with...

a. green eyes
b. blue eyes
c. yellow eyes

A mix of a Persian and a Siamese is called

a. Peramese
b. Himalayan
c. Siaper

The three types of cat fur is...

a. long hair, short hair, in between hair
b. long hair, short hair, medium hair
c. superlong hair, long hair, short hair.

Witch type of wild cat like swimming?

a. lions
b. tigers
c. cheetahs

Cats were worshiped in... 

a. Ancient Greece
b. Ancient Egypt
c. Ancient Rome

Post your answers in the comment box.

The answers will be posted on the next post I write.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kathy: My Ultimate Boredom Plan

Ever been extremely bored? I have. Here's what I do when ever I get bored:

1: Call my BFF Maria
2: Blog
3: Text
4 : Play with Popcorn
5: Nap with Popcorn
6: Paint my nails
7: read
8: play on my iPad mini
9: Be annoying
10: Watch TV
11: Play Minecraft
12: Ask if I can play with any of my friends
13: Have a sleepover
14: Never say bored, boring, or Boredom in front of my my mom

Monday, January 27, 2014

The cutest picture of Popcorn contest

I've been looking at pictures of my cat, and thought to my self, I wonder which picture of Popcorn is the cutest. So I deiced to make a contest!

Here are the pictures:





Tell me which picture you like best in the comment box!!!


Sunday, January 26, 2014


My cat has recently been obsessed with fire. weird, huh? Last night he pulled hot embers out of the fire. It STUNK LIKE CRAZY!! When ever we start a fire, he sits by the by the fire place and stares at it.  Like it's the most fascinating thing he's ever seen. Once my my mom caught him in the fire place. So what do say? Pyromaniac? That's I thought.

The cutest thief ever

As I said in this post, someone is a thief... guess who it is? Your right! Popcorn!

My kitty has been stealing my mom's knitting needles, balls of yarn, chopsticks, glasses, (the type that you put on your eyes) and toys.

My mom used to find toys in her bathtub, my dad woke up with his glasses missing, and I can never find my chopstick when I need it! LOL. Funny kitty.