Thursday, January 30, 2014


Hi here is another quiz, (I'm sort of obsessed with them right now.)

Ok, here's the quiz: Are you a cat person or a dog person?

For your birthday, the thing you want most is...
a. a kitten
b. a puppy
c. none of the above

Your BFF tells you she's moving away. what do you do
a. stay calm, and say, "I'll REALLY miss you."
b. Stay loyal and say, "I'll visit you a lot. " and plan to call her everyday.
c. none of the above

Some one tells you that cats are terrible animals...
a. Say, "What makes you think that?"
b. Say, "I agree!!"
c. none of the above.

Your dog poops inside the house...
a. Say, "eeewwwwwww..."
b. Tell your mom. Geez, that smells!
c. none of the above.

Kitty just had a hairball all over the brand new rug...
a. Clean it can't really see the spot...
b. Say, "gross!"
c. none of the above.

Mostly  a's Cat person. You love cats! I do too...
Mostly b's Dog person. Get off this blog.
Mostly c's Cat and dog person. You like them both.