Monday, February 10, 2014

Popcorn Story Valentines Day Edition

Popcorn story: The pretty kitty

The pretty kitty

There was once a very pretty kitty named Mewsette. She was very nice,
and I think she liked me! Anyways, she gave me a valentine to come meet her at her at sushi place, and when I got there, Rascal was there instead... he was putting on makeup, and didn't notice me come up to the table. I said, "Rascal, where is Mewsette?" Then it all made sense! Rascal was Mewsette! Ugggh, I can't believe he'd play such a mean trick! Wait till I get him back...

Stay tuned for the next story, Popcorn's Revenge.


  1. That Rascal is such a rascal!

    1. I agree. In addition to dressing up as female kitties, he loves knocking stuff off the table.
