Monday, October 21, 2013

Popcorn and Rascal: Why Popcorn NEVER sleeps where Rascal can see him

Hey people, sorry I have not been posting for the last few weeks. Anyway, Popcorn is a big napper, so he will sleep just about anywhere...except where Rascal can see him. Why? Let me tell you why.

So Popcorn loves to sleep on the gerbil cage. But Rascal does too. So being a rascal, that Rascal, he likes to annoy Popcorn till he wakes up. Here is what happens:

Popcorn sleeping peacefully+Rascal=Rascal waking up Popcorn, wrestling with Popcorn until he gets off so he can sleep where Popcorn was. And YES, Popcorn is unhappy, and he wakes up Rascal to sleep where he was sleeping before, then Rascal jumps on Popcorn to wake him to sleep where Popcorn was sleeping before, and so on.

Until Cuddles jumps on both of them, and sleeps where Popcorn and Rascal were trying too sleep. So in the end, Cuddles sleeps where Popcorn and Rascal were trying to sleep.

Life is so unfair.

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