Thursday, October 24, 2013

Popcorn Pictures

Here are some pictures of Popcorn I thought you would like. Tell me which pictures are your favorite in the comment box! 

Eek, Rascal! You scared me!


I tore up this paper towel myself! Like it?

Zzzzzzzzz...I love this couch.

Sittn' under a desk
Wrestling with a chair
Lying on the computer room floor

On the gerbil cage

Sprawled out on the cushion less sofa

Nap time. Go to sleep, Rascal!

Sprawled out on the computer room floor
I hope you liked these pictures, guys. Thanks for reading Kathy and Popcorn!


  1. I like the "nap time" one, and also the one where Popcorn tore up the towel.

  2. I like the first one, where it looks like he skidded into the corner! Silly kitty. - Aunt U

  3. He has grown a lot in the last month. Time for some more pictures?
