Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Eight Golden Rules Of Friendship For Cats


FOR CATS. Written By Popcorn


  1. Don't be afraid to wrestle! Kittens love doing this.

  2. Share Your Friskies. If you want a cat to be your friend, this is a good start. =)

  3. Once the cat is your friend... Play at each other's houses. Get e-mail and catbook addresses!

  4. Be nice. This very important. If you are not friendly, cats will hate you.

  5. Be supportive. Just support the cat!

  6. Be there when you are needed. Be ready to hop in the carrier anytime! 

  7. Try out stuff they like. It's good to have the same interests. Who knows? You might even like the stuff! 

  8. Be positive. Nobody likes a cat who mews all the wrong things!

I hope this was useful! Popcorn.