Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Popcorn and Me: What to do on a rainy day

This is  a list of thing me and Popcorn like to do on a cold, rainy day.

 I say:
  1. Text
  2. Play on iPad mini
  3. Design Minecraft skins on skin designer
  4. Read
  5. Bug my sister, Taryn
  6. Watch TV
  7. Play Minecraft
  8. Curl up with Popcorn
  9. Look at Minecraft mods on the Minecraft wiki
  10. Blog
  11. Play with Popcorn
  12. Take a nap with Popcorn

Popcorn says:
  1. Sleep
  2. Sleep
  3. Nap
  4. Nap
  5. Play
  6. Bug Rascal
  7. Bug Cuddles
  8. Nap with Kathy
  9. Sleep some more.
  10.  Watch the rain fall out the window.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Popcorn Pictures

Here are some pictures of Popcorn I thought you would like. Tell me which pictures are your favorite in the comment box! 

Eek, Rascal! You scared me!


I tore up this paper towel myself! Like it?

Zzzzzzzzz...I love this couch.

Sittn' under a desk
Wrestling with a chair
Lying on the computer room floor

On the gerbil cage

Sprawled out on the cushion less sofa

Nap time. Go to sleep, Rascal!

Sprawled out on the computer room floor
I hope you liked these pictures, guys. Thanks for reading Kathy and Popcorn!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Popcorn Spell

Hi people, so remember in the post Popcorn and Cuddles: Why Rascal is is a rascal
and remember how there was a Rascal Spell? Well guess what? There is a Popcorn Spell too!

Here it is: 
Pet my soft fluffy fur, listen to my lovely purr. Look at me taking care of Rascal, and see me chase the laser pointer. You are now under the Popcorn Spell.
You shall no longer notice when I jump on the table or on the counter, and you will not see me when I'm stealing chicken off the dinner table.

Popcorn: My most embarrassing day

So my most embarrassing day was October 22, 2013.

What happened? Well, see, I was playing in a bag...but I went over the edge! Literally! In our house, we have a dining room, but on the right side, it has a drop down, about 5 feet or 6 feet, to the living room. There was a fabric bag near the drop, so I climbed in the bag, Rascal accidentally pushed me down the drop, and BOOM! I crashed down into the piano, played a few notes, ding dong pphb lelola, and jumped out of the bag. And ran away. I could hear Kathy, Taryn, (Kathy's sister) and their mom and dad laughing.

And Cuddles was purring with amusement, and so was Rascal.

How embarrassing.  

And that was Popcorn, not Kathy.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Popcorn and Cuddles: Why Rascal is a Rascal

Rascal has always been the smart one of the cats. He is always first to figure out  when the wet food is ready, always first to see the laser pointer, always first to know everything. Popcorn and Cuddles find this very annoying. Very. Annoying. He also is a rascal. Duh. Here is the Rascal Spell: Look into my cute yellow eyes, watch me chase my tail. See me cuddling with my brothers, hear my purr... now you are under the Rascal Spell,
and you shall no longer notice when I am bad. You shall only see me when I am being good. 

Unlike most people, I am not under the Rascal Spell. I am under the Popcorn Spell!

So remember in the Rascal Spell where it said "You shall no longer notice when I am bad. You shall only see me when I am being good?" That is why Popcorn and Cuddles thinks Rascal is a rascal. Popcorn and Cuddles are always stuck with being caught on the table or on the counter. Rascal gets away with everything!

Popcorn's Enormous Poops

WARNING: Only for people who can read gross stuff.

Popcorn has big poops. Huge poops. Big and smelly. Want to learn more? No? That's what I thought. But those of you who do want to know more about Popcorn's poop,
keep reading!

To see Popcorn's poop size, look in the diagram blow
And he's a kitten! (I don't want to know what his poops will be like when he is an adult. Shudder)

Well congrats, you survived the wrath of Popcorn's stinky poop!

 I think I will make a medal of honer for those who clean the litter box with Popcorn's poop in it.

Popcorn and Rascal: Why Popcorn NEVER sleeps where Rascal can see him

Hey people, sorry I have not been posting for the last few weeks. Anyway, Popcorn is a big napper, so he will sleep just about anywhere...except where Rascal can see him. Why? Let me tell you why.

So Popcorn loves to sleep on the gerbil cage. But Rascal does too. So being a rascal, that Rascal, he likes to annoy Popcorn till he wakes up. Here is what happens:

Popcorn sleeping peacefully+Rascal=Rascal waking up Popcorn, wrestling with Popcorn until he gets off so he can sleep where Popcorn was. And YES, Popcorn is unhappy, and he wakes up Rascal to sleep where he was sleeping before, then Rascal jumps on Popcorn to wake him to sleep where Popcorn was sleeping before, and so on.

Until Cuddles jumps on both of them, and sleeps where Popcorn and Rascal were trying too sleep. So in the end, Cuddles sleeps where Popcorn and Rascal were trying to sleep.

Life is so unfair.

Popcorn: My in case of boredom plan

This post is Popcorn's In case of boredom plan. He wrote this when he was, well, bored. Here is what he wrote:

  1. Wrestle with Rascal or rumble with Cuddles. 
  2. Sleep.
  3. Eat.
  4. Drink.
  5. Wake up Cuddles from his nap, then run away and blame it on Rascal.
  6. Say hi to Yuki. (And try to eat him too :))
  7. Jump on Rascal, and run away.
  8. Cuddle with Kathy.
  9. Be a nuisance.
  10. Chew on a leaf.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

This is Popcon, Rascal and Cuddles Speaking!

I am gonna let my cats (and kittens!) type. (Okay, okay. I'm gonna type these, but this probably what they would say)

Here is Popcorn's Words:

Here is Cuddles's sentences:

And last but not least Rascal's thoughts:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cat Quizzes And Jokes

Two Great Cat Quizzes And Three Funny Cat Jokes.


What is your cat's purrsonality?

Do cats like you?

Cat Quiz no. 1 What is your cat's purrsonality?

You describe your cat as...
 A: Majestic
  B: Playful and happy.
  C: Happy
  D: None of the above.

Your cat's breed is...

A: Siamese
B: Tabby
C: Tortoiseshell 
D: None of the above
Your cat acts like...

A: She thinks she's the queen of the world!
B: She's addicted to her litter box
C: She is a cuddly girl, but is always open to play!
D: None of the above.

Mostly As: She is in love with herself! Now if somebody could pass her a mirror...
Mostly Bs: A happy cat, who loves her life!
Mostly Cs: What a lap cat!
Mostly Ds: She is a mystery.
P.S. If your cat is not a girl, that is okay.

Cat Quiz no. 2 Do cats like you?

Your cat jumps up on to your favorite chair. What do you do?

A: Pick it up and throw the poor cat across the room. Then yell, "STUPID CAT!" and sit on the chair.
B: Sigh and then scooch it over a little, so you can sit down.
C: Pick up the cat, sit down, then plop the cat on your lap.

Your cat meows to say I'm hungry.What do you do?

A: Slap the cat then say, "Find your own food, you stinking cat!"
B: Sigh and say, "Just a second cat."
C: Feed it right away. What else can you do? 

Your cat is meowing in the middle of the night. What do you do?

A: Find the cat, pick him up and yell SHUT UP CAT!!! In his face.
B: Sigh, find him, pet him a little, then go back to bed.
C: Find the cat, and watch the birds with him all night. (And pet him of course!)

Mostly As. Cats hate you.
Mostly Bs: Cat like you.
Mostly Cs: Cats love you.

  1. Popcorn: Kathy, what is a cat's favorite color? Answer: Purrple!
  2. Popcorn: My litter box is empty. Is some one stealing my poop?
  3. Popcorn: What is a cat's favorite thing to read? Answer: CAT-alog!
  Sorry there are not that many jokes or quizzes. I was stumped!

Popcorn's Stories

                        The Cat and The Couch
 For a long time, Popcorn was obsessed with our couch. I did not really get it. There was nothing special about the couch. It did not have pillows. And it had a lot of junk on it. But almost every time I looked at the couch (I had named Blue Couch) he was on it! But I liked Blue Couch too. Me and Popcorn loved to cuddle on Blue Couch. but one day, a horrible tragedy stuck on Blue Couch. That very day, I had put pillows on the couch. Popcorn would pretty much avoid the couch. I put him on the couch one day, but he hiss at me and ran away. (Okay I'm exaggerating. He did not really hiss.)
So anyway, He hated that couch (and maybe me) for days. But in the end, he adapted to it, and now, we curl up on the couch together just like we used to.

                                                       The End.              

                 Coming to my new home
I, Popcorn, was once living in a foster home. I was the last of my litter to be picked,
and I was very sad. But then Kathy came into my life. She loved me, could tell. So when the day came, she picked me up and I purred. The other cats looked jealous! Serves them right for chewing on my whiskers. At first, I missed my foster home. And when I came to my forever home, I was nervous. Everything smelled and looked different. But eventually, I new every nook every cranny, and the best napping and hiding spots.  Now I can't remember much about my foster home.
                           The End

These stories were written by Popcorn and Kathy.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Eight Golden Rules Of Friendship For Cats


FOR CATS. Written By Popcorn


  1. Don't be afraid to wrestle! Kittens love doing this.

  2. Share Your Friskies. If you want a cat to be your friend, this is a good start. =)

  3. Once the cat is your friend... Play at each other's houses. Get e-mail and catbook addresses!

  4. Be nice. This very important. If you are not friendly, cats will hate you.

  5. Be supportive. Just support the cat!

  6. Be there when you are needed. Be ready to hop in the carrier anytime! 

  7. Try out stuff they like. It's good to have the same interests. Who knows? You might even like the stuff! 

  8. Be positive. Nobody likes a cat who mews all the wrong things!

I hope this was useful! Popcorn.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Meet My Cats

Other than super cute Popcorn, I have two other cats. One is named Rascal, and he is four months old. He is probably a gray tabby. The other one is named Cuddles, and he is six years old. He is a Himalayan. I had two other cats but they (sniff sniff sniff) 
died. Their names were Peanut and Miss Parker. (Don't ask). Peanut was an orange tabby, and she died when she was 14 years old. Miss Parker died of Feline Leukemia when she was seven. Poor cats! We adopted Popcorn and Rascal from HART animal rescue.  

Anyway, this post was called Meet My Cats, right? Well here are their purrsonaltys!  
  • Popcorn: Loving lap cat, loves the laser pointer, and loves my lap.
  • Rascal: Loving next-to-lap-cat, loves his wet food (Feed me now! Feed me now!) And loves folded paper fortune-tellers.
  • Cuddles: Loving lap cat, loves to (duh) cuddle!
  • Peanut: I can't really remember much about her, but I know she was a great cat! =)
  • Miss Parker: I can't remember anything about her!  Mom and Dad say she was smart, she played fetch, and she was a guard cat.

Me and Popcorn

Hi! My name is Kathy, and I have a cat named Popcorn. He is five months old. I got him about a month ago. Here is a picture of me and him.
This is me and Popcorn
He loves Friskies, which is a brand of wet food. You can choose different flavors and types. Flavors: Chicken, turkey, ocean whitefish, tuna, mixed grill and more! =) Types: Pate, and juicy. 

He is such a sound sleeper, I could tuck him into bed! The bed that I made him has a blanket (a bandanna), pillow (small) and stuffed toy (catnip mouse). Here is a picture of him in his little bed! 

Zzzzzzzz...sleepy kitten!

QUIZ! How much do you love cats?
Your cat jumps on your bed. What do you do? 
A: You push him off. How do you sleep with a lump of fur on you anyway?
B: You pet him a little and then leave him alone.
C: You pet and cuddle him hard. What else can you do?
  Does your cat have a nickname?
A: Does bad, stupid cat count as a nickname?
B: "Sweet" or "Honey"
C: Does Super-awesome-cutest-thing-in-the-world count as a nickname?

Your cat upchucks. What do you do?
A: Say, "Stupid cat. You deserved it."
B: Clean it up right away, and say, "Poor cat," and give him a little love.
C: Clean it up, pick up your cat, pay extra attention to him, feed him a treat or two. 
What is a right way to pick up your cat?
A: By the tail! Or the ears!
B: Dunno... Maybe you cradle it?
C: Support his butt and hind legs, and put the other hand against his chest.
 Do you like your cat?

A: NO! Why did I even get one?
B: Yep.

Answers:  Mostly As: You hate cats. Why are you even reading this blog?
Mostly Bs: You like cats. They are not your favorite, but you like them.
Mostly Cs: You love cats. Who can't? I mean, I agree. CATS ROCK! I hope you enjoyed this quiz! If you want, you can leave your answers in the comment box! =)

Do you have cat? If so, what is its breed? Or gender? Popcorn is a boy, he might be a cross between a Maine Coon and a Tabby. He purrs--a lot and he is playful, cute, funny, and just...just awesome. I can't think of life with out him. <3 =) <3 =)